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August 12, 2022
Troy Hammond
What makes the "Good", Good and the "Bad", Bad.
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February 27, 2024
December 13, 2022
In this episode on the We F*@KIN love podcast, we speak with Auriga Martin, a positive force in nature the world needs more of.
In this episode on the We F*@KIN love podcast, we speak with who we literally pulled off the street to join us on the podcast.
In this episode on the We F*@KIN love podcast, we speak with who is very well-known globally for her No-bullshit approach to leadership
December 15, 2022
In episode #1 we chat with Serge van Dam on all things SaaS, Education of the industry, and what life was like pre and post-acquisition.
So who’s fault is a bad hire then?
August 8, 2022
I hire a lot of execs for startups and scale-ups and I have probably seen it all in my career.
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